HappyFriendshipdayImages2014.org : Happy Friendship day Images is the best way to share your Friendship Day feelings with your Friends. Here We Will Provide Latest Friendship day Images Friendship Day Quotes, Wallpapers, Facebook, Whatsapp, Kik, Line, Wechat Status and Messages For The Year 2014 which is been celebrated on 3rd August. Friendship Day celebrations take place on the first Sunday of August every year. The tradition of dedicating a day in honor of friends began in US in 1935. Gradually the festival gained popularity and today Friendship Day is celebrated in large number of countries including India. On This day people spend time with their friends and express love for them. Exchange of Friendship Day Gifts like flowers, cards and wrist bands is a popular tradition of this occasion.

Happy Friendship Day 2014 Latest Quotes For Best Friend :
One day my brain asked me “Y R U SENDING MSGs to that person who is not messaging u? but my little “HEART” said to brain “U” NEED msgs but i need “FRIENDSHIP”. Happy Friendship Day ! Friendship is a network that needs: no recharge! no roaming! no validity! no activation! no signal problems! just dont switch off your Heart.!Happy Friendship Day !
U waited 9 months 2 c d world 1yr 2 walk 2yrs 2 talk 5yrs 2 start studyng BUT i really waitd too many yrs 2 find a sweet frnd like U !!Happy Friendship Day !
Happy Friendship Day 2014 Latest Quotes For Dear Friend :
When the shadows are closing in,
And your Spirit diminishing,
Just remember you’re not alone,
And Love will be there,
To Guide you Home.

Poem on Friendship by: Prem Kumar N
Friendship is not just a word,
Friendship is not at all about spending time,
Friendship is not an expectation,
Unfortunately it cannot be defined,
& that is known as FRIENDSHIP.
And your Spirit diminishing,
Just remember you’re not alone,
And Love will be there,
To Guide you Home.
Poem on Friendship by: Prem Kumar N
Friendship is not just a word,
Friendship is not at all about spending time,
Friendship is not an expectation,
Unfortunately it cannot be defined,
& that is known as FRIENDSHIP.
Happy Friendship Day 2014 Latest Quotes For Dear Friend :
I wana keep3 things: . . The SUN . . The MOON . . &.My frndz. . . Sun4 daytime. . . Moon for night time. . . & U.My dear frnd4LIFETIME.Happy Friendship Day ! Make a heart which never breaks, make a smile which never hurts, make a touch which never pains, make a friendship which never ends. Happy Friendship Day !
Some can give u Crying & tears. Many othrs can give u Laughter & smiles. But only rare can give u Laughing tears & Crying smiles. Those r simply called Friends.Happy Friendship Day !
Friendship is a priceless gift, That cannot be bought or sold. But it’s value is far greater, Than a mountain of gold. Happy Friendship Day !
Happy Friendship Day 2014 Latest Quotes For Dear Friend :
Forget not the moments that we relish
Round and round the rose bush
Igniting the light of our great love
Enough to burn the field we plough
Not again should we ever part
Death will only tear us apart
If you’re lonely,
And need a friend,
And troubles seem like
They never end,
Just remember to keep the Faith,
And Love will be there to Light the Way.
Anytime you need a friend,
I will be here.
You’ll never be alone again,
So don’t you fear.
Even if you’re miles away,
I’m by your side.
So don’t you ever be lonely.
Love will make it alright.
Happy Friendship Day 2014 Latest Quotes For Dear Friend :
Oh! you can depend on me Over and over…
Know that I intend to be the one who always makes you laugh until you cry,
and you can call on me until the day you die.
Years may come and go
Here’s one thing I know
All my life,
You’re a friend of mine.
What if mountains fall?
Nothin’ left at all!
I’ll be fine
Becoz you’re a friend of mine.
Happy Friendship Day 2014 Latest Quotes For Dear Friend :
Factually, one of the best moments Remaining in my heart of hearts
Inevitably none other than you
Evident from my action towards thou
Need no proof for the greatest ship
Destined to be your greatest friend in this friend-ship.
First to wish you on your birthday
Relishing every moment with you that day
Ignoring the changes in your moods
Expecting you to provide me the food
Never again will we ever part
Despite everything that happened in the past.
Happy Friendship Day 2014 Latest Quotes For Dear Friend :
When the shadows are closing in,
And your Spirit diminishing,
Just remember you’re not alone,
And Love will be there,
To Guide you Home.

Poem on Friendship by: Prem Kumar N
Friendship is not just a word,
Friendship is not at all about spending time,
Friendship is not an expectation,
Unfortunately it cannot be defined,
& that is known as FRIENDSHIP.
And your Spirit diminishing,
Just remember you’re not alone,
And Love will be there,
To Guide you Home.
Poem on Friendship by: Prem Kumar N
Friendship is not just a word,
Friendship is not at all about spending time,
Friendship is not an expectation,
Unfortunately it cannot be defined,
& that is known as FRIENDSHIP.
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